Find the right Goalie Gear for you

Fining the right Goalkeeper gear can be a challenge. That's where we come in. We're here to help you find the perfect goalie gear for you with expert advice and personal experience

Helmets Sizing

Head width
Temple-to-temple straight line measurement
13cm 14cm 14.5cm
Head height
Distance from top of the head to the bottom of the chin
22cm 23cm 24cm
Shop Small Helmets Shop Medium Helmets Shop Large Helmets

Note: the above sizing is only an approxomate guide to help you best purchase.

Body Armour / Chest Guards Sizing

Arm Length
Distance form your finger tip to your armpits
55 - 61cm 62 - 69cm 69 - 76cm 76 - 83cm 83cm +
Additional Specs
Distance form the bottom of yourneck to the bottom of the armour
40cm 42cm 46cm 53cm 55cm +
Shop X-Small Armour Shop Small Armour Shop Medium Armour Shop Large Armour Shop X-Large Armour

Note: the above sizing is only an approxomate guide to help you best purchase.

Pants Sizing

Your Height
- 140 - 160 cm 160 - 190 cm 190 cm +
Your Waist
60 - 65 cm
24 - 26 inches
65 - 76 cm
26 - 30 inches
76 - 86 cm
30 - 34 inches
86 - 96 cm
34 - 38 inches
Shop Small Pants Shop Medium Pants Shop Large Pants Shop X-Large Pants

Note: the above sizing is only an approxomate guide to help you best purchase.

Legguards Sizing

Your Height
Height determines the leg guard size
125 - 140 cm 135 - 154 cm 150 - 165 cm 157 - 173 cm 170 cm +
Product Dimentions
Length - top of the leg guard to the top of the kicker cut-out
43 cm 47 cm 49 cm 52 cm 56 cm
Shop XX-Small Legguards Shop X-Small Legguards Shop Small Legguards Shop Medium Legguards Shop Large Legguards

Note: the above sizing is only an approxomate guide to help you best purchase.

Kickers Sizing

Shoe Size
UK shoe size
13 - 2 2 - 5 3 - 5.5 5.5 - 8.5 8.5 - 12 12 +
Foot measurement
- - 22.8 - 24.5 cm 24.5 - 26.7 cm 26.7 - 28.6 cm 28.6 cm +
Shop XX-Small Kickers Shop X-Small Kickers Shop Small Kickers Shop Mediun Kickers Shop Large Kickers Shop X-Large Kickers

Note: the above sizing is only an approxomate guide to help you best purchase.


Ultra-Stop is a new unique material to OBO. It is closed cell foam with unique shock absorbing properties. It absorbs and diffuses the impact rather than dissipates and redirects. At all speeds Ultra-Stop provides higher impact reduction than both PE and EVA

Hi Rebound

Great to getting the ball cleared as easily as possible. The Hi rebound foam encourages natural movement of the human body and enables quick reactions and lots of rebound.

Hi Control

Designed for complete control over the ball. Best suited to players with a quick and agile play style. The Hi Density foam is ideal for control nd ensures low wear even on sandy surfaces. Featured in the ROBO Hi Rebound legguards inner face for the best of both worlds.


The Science of Goal Keeping

The OBO Impact Research laboratory ( the O LAB ) is an in-house test facility that oozes technology and commitment. We know that to design and build the very best goal keeping gear we need hard data on materials and design concepts. The O Lab gives us unique insights that enable us to design products that protect you from balls traveling up to 160KPH.

OBO gear is designed by Goalkeepers, for Goalkeepers. OBO gear is made to be as safe as possible which allows you to play with total confidence. Play at your best with OBO Goalkeeping


Top performance requires total confidence and if you are feeling at all vulnerable you hold back - just a little - and there is no way you can play at your best.

Hockey balls are hard and travel bloody fast ! Take a look at a few impacts captured at over 1600 frames a second from the OBO LAB. Awesome ... but scary unless you are well protected by the right materials and the right designs.